Meet the CEO

Since 2020, Chris has been proud and honored to be the CEO of John Robert Powers International. Prior to that, he was the Global Marketing Director and a VP since 2010 when he also co-wrote the JRP book on Global Etiquette.

Chris grew up in Manila, but lived most of his adult life living and working in New York City.

In his career in advertising, he worked with some of the largest global corporations, including General Motors, Unilever, Kraft Foods, Pfizer, Chevron, JP Morgan and more.

While Chris used to live in New York and “commute” back to Southeast Asia, he is now mainly based in Manila, which makes getting to the JRP schools much easier. He is happy to be back on home turf, in one of the most exciting and dynamic regions of the world.

Meet the CEO


“Confidence is one of the keys to success and happiness in life. We all know this in our hearts.

But if there is one thing I wish everybody understood better, it is this:

Anyone can learn to be confident.
It is not a special talent you have to be born with. It is something that can be brought out in anybody. It is a series of learned skills that can be applied to any scenario.

I know from first-hand experience how important personal development and soft-skills training can be. While I grew up in Asia, I spent most of my adult life working in advertising in New York City, a place that values brash individuality and putting yourself out there. Working with some of the biggest global corporations, I quickly realized how personal confidence and soft skills can make all the difference.

When you know how to connect with a variety of people, when you know how to communicate and present your ideas with passion and courage, when you know how to navigate unfamiliar social dynamics, you can be confident in any room in the world. While this is so true in the professional world, it is also true of kids in school and young adults looking to make their way in the world.

Which is why I believe so passionately in our mission at John Robert Powers. Seeing people learn to bring out the best in themselves, to embrace who they are and empower themselves, is a daily source of inspiration.”


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